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How does the Ringmaster work?

  • The Ringmaster works directly off your mandrel, your measuring stick for accuracy in bringing rings to exact size. Select the die that allows the ring to fit well within the confines of the die. Place die into die holder and slide mandrel through hole in yoke, where label is attached. Next, place ring on mandrel and continue sliding mandrel through second hole of yoke. Turn the mandrel and ring high on the shoulder of the ring and pull or push the mandrel clockwise. Reverse to the other side of shank and repeat. Now draw gold to center of shank by turning ring to one side then to the other until desired size is attained.
  • Remember now, this is a forging action that is taking place all in a matter of a minute or two. Ringmaster eliminates inside and outside filing! Just parallel the sides with the Brite Rite Wheel and polish.
  • The Ringmaster benefits the jeweler by distributing gold evenly around the shank. It strengthens rings against bending, and it strengthens the solder joints against breaking. It makes rings perfectly round!
  • And, the Star Ringmaster comes with an exceptional Guarantee!

Ringmaster Features and Benefits:

Sizing rings larger without cutting

  • Select the die that allows the ring to fit well within the confines of the die. Slide mandrel through hole in yoke, where label is attached, then on through the ring to the hole in the opposite side. Turn mandrel and ring high on the shoulder of the ring and pull or push the mandrel clockwise...reverse to other side of the shank and repeat. Now draw gold to center of shank by turning the ring to one side then the other until the desired size is attained.

Sizing larger beyond the limit of two (2) sizes

  • Ringmaster saves you precious gold when cutting and piecing beyond the two (2) size limit. Just solder in half the gold needed and draw to size in the appropriate die. Work right on the piece of gold soldered into the shank, then lightly from shoulder to shoulder to the exact size.

Sizing rings smaller

  • Ringmaster gives you a little plus of gold when cutting rings to a smaller size. Remove half a size more then measured, solder joint, then use the Ringmaster to bring the ring to size.

Putting on new shanks and half shanks

  • Ringmaster excels in this operation. Use at least two (2) sizes less gold then required and use Ringmaster to draw the gold from shoulder to shoulder to a perfect shank configuration.

Bring rough cast mountings to size

  • Ringmaster makes use of the spru on the shank of the cast mounting when a larger size is required; simply draw the spru into the shank of the ring to attain those extra sizes.

Ringmaster eliminates inside and outside filling

  • In all sizing operations, Ringmaster eliminates inside and outside filling; just parallel the sides and polish

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For more information please call us at (734) 740-1004.

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